10. (9-19-19, Lewiston) Ultima from Magnanomicon
While you’re making consequence
We’re speaking in the present tense
All the different factors take effect
It’s as if an iron jungle has grown up overnight
An angry, dark, and hostile place in which we have to fight
I see the sparkle in your eyes
They draw me in, they hypnotize
But through the flutter of the wings
Are striking, evil, deadly things
It’s twisting, and it’s turning, and it’s making me feel sick
I feel as though my insides have been jammed upon a stick
You did this, you, I know it’s so
For I am your own life
You built me up and molded me
You gifted me ability
Sometimes things don’t go as planned
You have to bite the feeding hand
My teeth are sharp, my will is strong
Your victory will not last long
Fire’s burning in the fields
Destroying your corrupted yields
Your army, flying, is the one
Who brings the power of the sun
You’ve done it now
The buildings gone
The wind is breaking out in song
The torches of the blinding heat
Panic and death all o’er surround
Leaving a scorched and starving few
This torture is because of you
Like candles, melted
How could you do this?
Everyone is gone now
Where are our loved ones?
We can’t return back home
You laugh it off, like jokes
But this will reach you, too
Your water will be poison now
You’d better hope you have blankets
Didn’t you enjoy seeing the pretty blue sky,
And the shiny red fruit on the trees?
We did
And we want them back
It’ll have to be elsewhere
But it won’t be like this
Because You won’t be with Us.