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Image by Casey Horner

Stars Are Eggs

Translations of Mind to Matter

This world may seem hopeless, but each of Us are the hope We need. With this blog. I hope to do what I can to inspire and educate in the unique way I can, to help you, reader Iandus, to realize Your own potential for action.

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Poem #32

32. (3-18-20, at my spot at the Gulf Island Dam) Depth of water Width of wing Breath of zephyr Eagles sing Here is The Way Take me away

Poem #31

31. (2-9/10-20, home/Lewiston High School) -inspired by Holly A bright flash sparked from lullaby’s melody Hearts erupted into passion...

Poem #29 ~ Rewrite

29. (1-24-20, Lewiston High School) Rewrite (this is the result of me changing word-for-word the lyrics to No Surprises by Radiohead) A...

Poem #28 ~ Hawks and Doves

28. (Began 1-15-20, Lewiston High School) Hawks and Doves A spectacular book is like a kidnapper, captivating figuratively and literally...

Poem #27

27. (1-23-20, Lewiston High School) How can sound have such physical effect? How can a song pull water from eyes like the moon pulls the...

Poem #24 ~ Animal Code

24. (11-14-19, Lewiston High School) Animal Code Received, but not responded No chance to decipher yet Feral, and never fond No hope of...

Poem #22

22. (11-13-19, Lewiston High School) Sometimes when sight is shifted on someone It creates a sense not felt on another Like a mob of...

Poem #20

20. (11-13-19, Lewiston) At night when snow is fallen fresh Radiant with the light of the moon At its peak luminance shining so high A...

Poem #19

19. (9-25-19, Lewiston) I really wonder The number of haiku left With all word combos

Poem #18

18. (9-25-19, Lewiston) Sometimes the only way... we will get to see it all Is by thinking and acting

Poem #17

17. (9-25-19, Lewiston) Tree flowers are wrong Ground petals on tall carbon? Well, it is pretty

Poem #15

15. (9-25-19, Lewiston) Band is chaotic. Though the music is quite fun, Deven and Al wack

Poem #14

14. (9-25-19, Lewiston) To run in the nude Across a train bridge high up Not legal but fun

Poem #12

12. (9-25-19, Lewiston) The wind’s of great strength My hair blows as part of it Both are of The Way

Poem #10 ~ Ultima

10. (9-19-19, Lewiston) Ultima from Magnanomicon While you’re making consequence We’re speaking in the present tense All the different...

Poem #8

8. (9-18-19, Lewiston) I want to live on a commune With orchards and vineyards stretching Fruit and food in glorious abundance The air in...

Poem #7

7. (8-24-19, Route 202) People are pulchritudinous It fills my heart with happiness Eye contact made in passing A smirk, a glance away...

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